If you are interested in joining, contact a member in-game or join our discord and say hello!
We're in Plane of Time and farming gear from phase 1-4!
We're just a few recruits short of knocking down Quarm.
In only two raids we have cleared t1, most of t2, and flagged the whole raid for some t3 zones!
I'm very proud of our efforts, and love seeing all the new faces in guild; great work everyone, let's keep it up!
One week to go until Planes of Power!
Great work in Luclin over the Holidays.
With Kunark well in the rear view, we have downed over half of velious targets in week 1.
Avatar of War, Tunare, and the second half of NToV are on short notice.
Very few websites updates due to competing priorities but we're consistently knocking out every target each week!
Only a couple of slots open on the roster going into velious, apply on discord.
We continue to knock out every target we set and the Raid roster looks great heading into Kunark.
Welcome to all the new faces and have fun leveling everyone!
Two pulls and two kills, excellent work everyone!
It's been a blast leveling with exp weekend and launch weekend coinciding! Thank you all for helping get everyone tagged up. Please continue to recruit your friends and folks you meet and like.
Bat phones are a go for Oakwynd, sign up in discord.
No Drop to Heirloom, character based lockout timers, and more. Join us on discord to discuss how our ruleset will update to accomodate for these changes.
Seeking a guild that's focused on having fun while also clearing all content? Look no further! We take a laid-back approach to raiding, with optional off nights for open world targets, fun raids, epic assistance, or other activities. We want to create a fun and supportive environment for our members while also progressing through raid content.
Our loot distribution system is based on a combination of random rolling and a loot council, made up of a group of officers and experienced players. This ensures that loot is distributed fairly, efficiently, in a way that benefits the guild's overall progression, and without bias or favoritism.
I'm doing it as hard as I can.
Congrats to all of our excellent raiders for clearing Vulak. I hereby declare Velious defeated!
Splits are better than ever! We're crushing content, and there is SO MUCH loot!
As always we are recruiting all levels and classes and anyone can invite.
We care about players, not characters so continue to invite any fun people you meet along the way.
Bidbot died for a night, so we did live auctions and well...
We may continue to live auction off the most expensive items each raid night by popular demand.
All of Kunark is on 1shot weekly clear mode, congrats everyone!
We split over ONE MILLION platinum this night!
I've got a new baby, a new job, and a new puppy that demanded most of my time.
Clearing all of Kunark every week, and even VP on Sundays!
You should all be very proud of yourselves.
We have a raid force with many people who haven't raided before (or in a decade+), and we are still clearing all of the content that more demanding guilds do.
We got CT on the first crack, I forgot to take a picture. Great work everyone, Kunark is going to kick ass!
We've knocked out a couple of raids with quite a few more to come. Great work everyone and don't forget to check out the raids section and sort by date to see the latest drops!
If you are interested in joining the guild we still have room for raiders and non-raiders alike!
Don't forget to keep your levels up, Kunark is coming!
We're one week in to the server and things are going great!
A guild TownHall will be held on Saturday at 10:30 EST. I look forward to seeing you there.
We're set up and ready to run as many as 3 split raids if necessary; nows the time to join!
Hop in discord and come shoot the breeze with us!
This is a great time to find group mates and ask questions about raid night.
Primary raid nights will be Tuesday / Thursday with Saturday being our cleanup/fun night.
Raid times are now 10pm-1am EST
We are voting on our raid nights for the next few months.
Determination will be announced Monday.
Catch us on the newest TLP Mischief
Tradeable no-drop items, randomized loot, only 3 months combined of Classic/Kunark!
The guild will be officially ending all raid activity and recruitment.
It has been an absolute pleasure to be your guild leader.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking part in this experiment that I consider a great success.
Sorry for the lack of updates. My work and school life have been creeping into my free time ;)
Thank you for bearing with us while end of expansion boredome takes a toll on our membership.
Please take a moment to invite people you meet that seem like they would be a good fit; you all have permissions.
Our new schedule will be Wednesday / Thursday / Sunday - 930pm Eastern Standard Time.
We Killed 5 dragons + Venril & split 345,000 platinum this weekend!
We made our first attempts at Talendor, Severilous, and Venril Sathir and got them all!
We cleared each of these with a group of 40 players with new raiders and boxes and even some low levels; you guys should be proud!
Leafee, Jaks, and Needmore got their epics! (I'm sure I've missed someone & I'm sorry)
See you Wednesday at Plane of Sky!
Your work on getting cleric epics is so good for all of us.
Dargonraffle winner: KREBLOC!
Raid turnout has been low due to various factors (height of summer, burnout, busy leveling). Please don't let this discourage you. We will continue to clear what we can and help one another with epics; leveling/recruitment will get us where we need to be.
Remember, this guild started with ONE person, the day before server launch.
With the level cap raising to 60 on Wednesday we will be taking a 2 week hiatus from scheduled raids. During this time please try to include guild members in your grouping strategy: it improves your odds of having competent groupmates and helps the guild as a whole.
Only a handful of targets left for us in classic! I'm so happy with how far the guild has come.
Raids are going to be moving to 9:00pm with the first attendance tick taken at 9:15pm (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-5)
Expect increased activity from our officers (which you've probably noticed already). I will personally not be able to join up early so thank you to our officer team for helping to keep things moving along.
It looks like Saturday is a lock as our most popular day, with Wednesday, Sunday, and Friday coming in behind it.
I've backfilled all data for previous raids.
The tools we needed are now developed so expect to see them updated either in real time, or within a day of raid end from now on.
There wasn't much to raffle this week so we're going to hold it until Monday. Expect some black sapphire jewelry on there this time! (Your attendance ticks are still counting towards entries, and are cumulative.).
We made our first attempts at Vox / Nagafen and killed them both!
A turnout of nearly 50 raiders is a wonderful improvement; look forward to having these on farm.
I actually rolled myself the first time but thought it would be fair to have a re-draw.
may your inventory suffer the wrath of DargonRaffle
With some raids dropping as many as 50+ items, it is far too tedious for me to input them in their current state.
That being said, there will be a GUI solution implemented for officers to do this in real-time in the near future. Until then please expect that there will be some delays in updating the database as I lack the time to do the manual portion of this.
If you know basic SQL and could assist short term until a solution is developed; message me in discord.
Dargon raffle is now live! Earn entries through raids and guild events!
The raffle is populated with items and gems from raids and things from mine and guildmates pockets.
The winner is announced weekly!
If you have good items you don't want to sell or trash, parcel them to DargonRaffle in game
Good luck!
I'd like to give a warm welcome to the folks at <Kaaos Eternal>.
Thank you so much joining us in Sky; we look forward to future raids.
This is our first formal guild alliance. All alliance members will be treated as our own for raid loot purposes.
Don't forget to say hi if you see them in the wild!
This is probably only exciting for some of you but the rest of you will be glad to have me stop talking about it.
The new database is in, this means item lookups are way faster and I can begin work on our loot tool for the officers. Solrax and I can give up our spreadsheets soon!
We're looking good. With 60 level 50 characters in the guild and recruitment moving well we are definitely going to be in great shape soon.
We had initially planned to take a crack at Vox / Nagafen Saturday but had a low turnout so we pivoted and hit fear. It was a great night and we looted
If you are a guild leader interested in co-op raiding please contact me in discord
As a guild we have made some outstanding progress in the short weeks of our existence. I'm very proud of how well our group responds to direction; especially considering the number of first time raiders we have.
Looking to the future, our biggest necessity is more players. We are around 10 active raiders short of being able to consistently clear dragons and planar gods; I aim to be there as soon as possible.
Saturday we start off with our very first crack at Vox, and look to start a trend of clearing dragons on a weekly basis.
Thank you for the hard work everyone, and keep it up!
We held our first official sky raid and cleared to island 4. We could have gone farther but unfortunately the lag monster was on beast mode causing 20 minutes zone times and crashes galore.
We also beat the crap out of Fungku when he was charmed; a good teambuilding exercise.
We had a light turnout due to the holiday weekend but made it work and still downed quite a lot of trash and a few mini's.
The raid schedule is up for July; We are beginning to take groups into SKY for keying. Attempts on individual targets like phinigel/vox/nagafen/yael will happen before Plane of Fear raids until we are ready for Draco/Cazic.
At that point the schedule or targets may shift around some.
Needless to say, Hate is short a few denizens now.
The raid schedule is up; see you Saturday!
The guild has been growing at a wonderful rate and I have met some awesome new members. We're seeing guild groups, crafters, and people are starting to think about raiding;
It's all coming together!
It is all powerful :(
I'm sure everything will go as smoothly as usual.
If you haven't yet, hop into discord and pass the time with us!
The server launches soon! I'm almost done building our raid loot tool!